
Chesterfield unhappy with lack of National League communication

Chesterfield company secretary Ashley Carson has said the club have received ‘absolutely no communication from the National League’ over the current outlook for the division and its clubs.

Carson also revealed that chairman Dave Allen put £25,000 into the club this month to meet all ‘immediate invoices’, bringing ‘top-ups’ from Allen since January past £770,000.

Spireites boss John Pemberton, along with ‘the entire football side’ at the club, remain furloughed while there are no updates from the league.

Of the proposed takeover of the club by CFC Community Trust, Carson said: “Dave Allen and I would still prefer the Community Trust to purchase the club. I am happy to confirm that I am back on Mike Goodwin’s speed dial and I have been receiving some positive updates from him.

“I am still receiving interest from other parties, but overall no progress or timeframes for change. Dave Allen and I continue to plan for next season and we must look to sitting down with the manager to discuss both his future contract and also his shopping list for players.”

On the subject of season tickets, Carson explained: “Still no movement at this time on season tickets going on sale for next season. August is clearly ruled out for the season commencing but, as stated previously, I have still received absolutely no communication from the National League.

“We need to have an update to our ticketing system software from Seatgeek, as this is now so out of date an option was to go back to paper. We need to have this done next month, otherwise no one would be able to get into the stadium, at a cost of £3,500.”

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