
Extra competitions looking a no-no for non-elite football

The FA have released a guide for any competitions that may be played in place of the curtailed 2020/21 season, along with the latest information on spectators and hospitality.

A statement released with the guide says: “We know many clubs and leagues are awaiting confirmation on DCMS guidance regarding spectators and secondary spend. Our latest understanding is as follows:

Spectators – “unfortunately, the current understanding at DCMS is that spectators for non-elite football will be under the same categorisation as outlined for all spectators in the roadmap. Therefore, unless informed otherwise we believe all fixtures will need to be behind closed doors until no earlier than May 17th, except for any person(s) spectating for safeguarding purposes.”

Hospitality“the roadmap indicates that outdoor hospitality will be allowable no earlier than April 12th. However, the guidance is clear that any outdoor hospitality customers must order, eat and drink while seated (‘table service’) only.”

“We are still waiting the publication of the DCMS guidance.

“Clubs are reminded that failure to follow any government guidance could be in breach of gathering legislation in force at any time.”

Steps 3 to 6 Subsidiary Competitions – Full Details

Without spectators any extra tournaments will not go ahead with what is left of this season.

I do however believe that the DCMS will change their mind and allow a limited number of fans in. The guidance has not been published yet. There is still time.

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