
Youth Football in Kent to return next week

The two main Youth Leagues in Kent are currently suspended due to the Coronovirus Pandemic

Their latest announcements;


Kent Youth League

I guess it comes as no surprise to us all – all youth football now suspended until further notice – stay safe out there and we will continue to keep you informed.
As you know we are always in communication with clubs and it is very much our intention to try every angle to complete this season – but only when it is safe to do so. We will work with teams to get games played – double headers – evening games and if clubs have facilities extending the season into June – we will look at every possible option when the current lockdown is lifted – determined that this season the players will be rewarded – but it must be safe to do so



Due to the Lockdown and FA confirmation the League is suspended until further notice.
Not sure as to when we will be in a position to return but lets hope we will all feel safer than we do now.


FA Guidelines for ‘Non Elite’ and Grassroots Football – 2nd December


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