
North Ferriby United record expunged from the League

The Northern Premier League has now confirmed the situation regarding North Ferriby United.

A statement on the official League website read,

Following receipt now of confirmation that North Ferriby United Ltd has been liquidated, the Northern Premier League can confirm that the club’s playing record in the EVO-STIK League Premier Division will be expunged, as per League Rule 12.9 (below) and in accordance with FA regulations.

League Rule 12.9
A club which for any reason ceases to operate at any time during the Playing Season may have its playing record expunged, and any monies due to them from the Company shall be forfeited. From the date of the withdrawal no further payment shall become due to them. From the date of the withdrawal that Club shall cease to be a member of the Company.

The NPL had to await formal notification of the liquidation before it could confirm its position.

Member clubs were updated on the situation at the Chairman’s meeting on Sunday.

The Premier Division league table will be updated to reflect the changes as soon as possible

In terms of the impact on relegation, North Ferriby United will remain as the bottom club in the table. Two further teams, placed 20th and 21st, will also be automatically relegated to step 4.

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