
Grassroots Sports Guidance – from March 29th

From 29 March, the rules on social contact will change. People will not be required to stay at home, and will be permitted to meet outdoors in groups of up to 6 people, or as a group of two households, for exercise or recreation.

A group made up of two households can include more than 6 people, but only where all members of the group are from the same two households (or support/childcare bubbles, where eligible). Social distancing must be maintained between people who do not live together or share a support bubble.

Organised outdoor sport

  • Outdoor sport for adults and children is permitted in larger numbers, provided it is formally organised and follows COVID-secure guidance.
  • Organised sport and supervised children’s sport and physical activity can take place outdoors in any number, but people should maintain the rules on social contact before and after sporting activity. This applies to organised outdoor (individual and team) sports, outdoor exercise classes, organised sports participation events and outdoor licensed physical activity.
  • Participants should adhere to social distancing when not actively participating (e.g. during breaks in play, or when awaiting substitutions). Social interaction before and after playing any sport should only take place outdoors, and in separate and distinct groups consisting of up to 6 people or two households.
  • Sports which require participants to be in frequent close proximity to each other (such as rugby league, rugby union, netball, contact combat sports) should adapt both training and game-play to reduce the level of contact so far as reasonably possible and take steps to minimise risk.
  • Where sport is not formally organised, it can only take place within the rules on social contact above – in groups of up to 6 people, or two households.

Sport facilities

  • Outdoor sport facilities can reopen, and can be used for sport, physical activity and exercise. This applies to all outdoor sport facilities, including but not limited to outdoor gyms, swimming pools, courts, pitches, golf courses (including mini-golf), water sports venues, climbing walls, driving and shooting ranges, riding arenas at riding centres and archery venues. Outdoor skating rinks and trampolining parks must remain closed. Gathering limits must be adhered to unless being used to facilitate organised sport.
  • Indoor sport and physical activity is not permitted and indoor sport facilities must remain closed.
  • Changing rooms should not be used, except by people with disabilities, although toilet facilities can be accessed. You should inform customers that these are areas of increased risk, that they should shower and change at home where possible, and those that do need to use changing rooms should minimise time spent inside.


  • Spectators are not permitted in any indoor or outdoor sport facility.
  • This does not apply to carers for people with disabilities, or adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.


Further Guidance on the changes being made from March 29th can be found here.

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