Kent County LeagueNews

Kent County League Update – Fixtures

The Kent County League have given this update regarding the return of fixtures in their league was lockdown is over:

“The matter of restarting the fixtures were discussed in detail at the league management committee on Monday 9th November, following the current suspension in fixtures due to current government restrictions. As we ALL know the intention is for the restrictions to end on 2nd December. We await confirmation this will allow ‘grassroots sports’ to restart.

It is still our belief we be able to complete our fixtures for this season, however we MUST keep this under review dependent on our ability to commence fixtures in December, should there be further delays to a restart this would need to be further reviewed, the other issue we cannot control is the impact of weather.

It was therefore agreed, that subject to FA/Government approval, we will re-commence fixtures on 12th December 2020, with some exceptions as detailed below. In addition the following was agreed.

• We can confirm there will not be any cup competitions this season for the main competition, it is still our intention to hold a Veterans Cup

• We are making provision for games to be played up to and including 31st May 2021, for those that share with ‘Cricket’ clubs or utilise other facilities that generally end much earlier, you may want to now engage with these clubs/facilities to explore playing later into the season

As I mentioned below are the exceptions to the 12th December restart

• Veterans Fixtures will restart on 5th December, these fixtures have already been provided, so will continue as planned

• We are expecting fixtures for London Senior Trophy and AFA Senior Cup to be played on 5th December, these will continue as scheduled

• There is a round of the London Junior Cup, scheduled for 12th December, therefore teams involved in this competition will be scheduled a league fixture on 5th December, to allow ALL teams to play a similar round of fixtures in December

I would point out that we have written to the London & Amateur FA to clarify their plans for their County Cups, dependent on their response, this could lead to further changes.

In addition, as a reminder there WILL NOT be fixtures on 26th December, however fixtures will be played on 2nd January.

As you can appreciate this continues to create challenges, we continue to work with other leagues, both above and below us, hopefully adherence to the current government restrictions, will allow us to commence fixtures in December and we can all enjoy our Saturday afternoons again soon.”

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