National LeaguesNews

The FA Alliance Committee has REJECTED the proposal for a Step 2 mini-league

The FA Alliance Committee has REJECTED the proposal for a Step 2 mini-league. The Committee has supported the outcome of the original resolution vote to continue at Step 1 & make Step 2 null & void (with no promotions or relegations).

The Alliance Committee has released this statement;

Our Alliance Committee have today considered a paper from the National League addressing the National League resolutions in relation to the 2020/21 season and an alternative proposal from certain Clubs at Step 2.

Subject to FA Council approval, the Alliance Committee decided:

a. To support the outcome of the National League resolution resulting in:

• The continuation of Step 1
• That the 2020/21 season is declared null and void at Step 2 with no promotion or relegation from Step 2 (or relegation from Step 1)

b. Consideration was also given to an alternative sporting solution at Step 2 in line with a proposal submitted by certain Step 2 clubs that wished to continue playing. The Alliance Committee rejected the proposal, and any alternative, in the interest of the integrity of the National League System. Further reasons for this decision will be communicated directly to clubs in due course.

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