Sunday League

WESFA Season declared Null and Void

After a vote from the clubs in the Woolwich and Eltham Sunday Football Alliance the 2019/20 Season has been declared Null and Void and all results expunged.

Every club in the league voted on the outcome and results were as follows:

Null and Void = 60%
Points Per Game = 39%
Abstentations = 1%

wesfa ppg

As a result;

All League have results expunged (cancelled/wiped out)

No Division will be seen as contested for season 2019-2020,

There will be no promotion or relegation from any divisions,

No Special awards will be distributed,

Interviewed teams for membership will have to backfill the available slots in each division rather than constitute them in respective divisions,

No League medals will be awarded (winners / runners up),

Cup Finals – some should be able to be contested during the opening weeks of the season

As Null and Void has been decided the Management Committee will now prepare another SGM for a motion to have flexibility with the constitution for season 2020-2021. They will look to get this SGM available quickly and sent out so that the League can start preparing in earnest for next season.

For further news from the WESFA please visit their website here


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